JANUARY 14, 2008, 8:00 P.M.



Call to order:


The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. at the Borough Hall.


Adequate Notice Statement:


The Chairman announced that the Meeting, in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Law, P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, was announced at the Reorganization Meeting held on January 8, 2007 in the Municipal Building.  Notice of this meeting was posted and two newspapers, The Record and The Ridgewood News, were notified.  Notice was also provided, in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Law, of the Planning Board’s intention to conduct formal business at this Meeting.


The public is advised of the Planning Board’s rule that the meetings will be concluded by 8:00 p.m.


Flag Salute


Oath of Office forms were administered to Messrs. Glaser, Michelis and Mautz for the year 2008 by Board Attorney Kaufman.  These will be forwarded to the Borough Clerk for filing.


Roll Call:


George Fry, Chairman                                     Present

Robert McDonough, Vice Chairman                           Present

Kenneth Glemby                                                          Present

John Glaser                                                                 Present

Bruce Mautz                                                                Present

Mayor LaPaglia                                                           Present

Willford Morrison                                                      Present

Al Dattoli                                                                    Present

Robert Boffa                                                               Absent

Joseph Langshultz                                                        Present

Peter Michelis                                                             Present

Paul Kaufman, Esq.                                                     Present

Elliot Sachs, Engineer                                                 Present            (in audience)

Donna Holmquist, Planner                                          Present            (in audience)  

John Pavlovich, Traffic Engineer                                Present            (in audience)

Kathy Rizza, Secretary                                                Present






The minutes of October, November and December will be approved at the Planning Board meeting on January 28th.




George Fry was nominated for Chairman on a motion by Mr. Glemby, seconded by Mr. Langshultz.  Being no other nominations, Mr. Fry was named Chairman of the Planning Board for the year 2008 with all members present in favor.


Robert McDonough was nominated for Vice Chairman on a motion by Mr. Glaser, seconded by Mr. Langshultz.  Being no other nominations, Mr. McDonough was named Vice Chairman of the Planning Board for the year 2008 with all members in favor.


Paul Kaufman, Esq., of the firm Kaufman, Bern and Deutsch, LLP was nominated for the position of Planning Board Attorney on a motion from Mayor LaPaglia, seconded by Mr. Langshultz.  Being no other nominations, Mr. Kaufman was named Board Attorney for the Planning Board for the year 2008 with all members in favor.


Elliot Sachs, of Boswell McClave Engineering (Dr. Stephen Boswell) was nominated for the position of Board Engineer on  a motion from Mayor LaPaglia, seconded by Mr. Langshultz,  Being no other nominations, Mr. Sachs was named Board Engineer for the year 2008 with all members in favor.


John Pavlovich, of Edwards and Kelcey was nominated for the position of Traffic Engineer on a motion from Mr. Glaser, seconded by Mr. McDonough.  Being no other nominations, Mr. Pavlovich was named Board Traffic Engineer for the year 2008 with all members in favor.


Donna Holmquist, of Burgis Associates was nominated for the position of Planner on a motion by Mr. Glaser, seconded by Mr. Langshultz.  Being no other nominations, Ms. Holmquist was named Board Planner for the year 2008 with all members in favor.


Kathleen S. Rizza was nominated for the position of Board Secretary on a motion by Mr. Langshultz, seconded by Mayor LaPaglia.  Being no other nominations, Ms. Rizza was named Board Secretary for the year 2008 with all members in favor.


The 2008 Schedule of Meetings was approved, as amended, by all members present.  This will be published and posted in the Municipal Building.








This resolution was read in full by Mayor LaPaglia, Mr. Langshultz, and Chairman Fry.  A motion to accept was made by Mr. Morrison, seconded by Vice Chairman McDonough, and carried by all members present.


Public Session:


A motion was made to open the meeting to the public by Vice Chairman McDonough, seconded by Mr. Morrison.  With no public wishing to be heard, a motion to close the meeting to the public was made by Vice Chairman McDonough, seconded by Mr. Morrison, and carried by all.


It should be noted that this meeting was not taped due to mechanical failure and that no other official business took place, other than 2008 Reorganization.


A motion to adjourn was made by Vice Chairman McDonough, seconded by Mr. Morrison, and carried by all members present.  Time being 8:22 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Kathleen S. Rizza, Secretary