JANUARY 28, 2008, 8:00 P.M.



Call to order:


The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. at the Borough Hall by the Chairman.


Adequate Notice Statement:


The Chairman announced that the Meeting, in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Law, P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, was announced at the Reorganization Meeting held on January 14, 2008 in the Municipal Building.  Notice of this meeting was posted and two newspapers, The Record and The Ridgewood News, were notified.  Notice was also provided, in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Law, of the Planning Board’s intention to conduct formal business at this Meeting.


The public is advised of the Planning Board’s rule that the meetings will be concluded by 11:00 p.m.


Flag Salute


Roll Call:


George Fry, Chairman                                     Present

Robert McDonough, Vice Chairman                           Absent

Kenneth Glemby                                                          Present

John Glaser                                                                 Present

Bruce Mautz                                                                Present

Mayor LaPaglia                                                           Present

Willford Morrison                                                      Present

Al Dattoli                                                                    Present

Robert Boffa                                                               Absent

Joseph Langshultz                                                        Present

Peter Michelis                                                             Present            (8:10 p.m.)

Paul Kaufman, Esq.                                                     Present

Elliot Sachs, Engineer                                                 Present            (in audience)

Donna Holmquist, Planner                                          Absent             (not requested)           

John Pavlovich, Traffic Engineer                                Absent             (not requested)

Kathy Rizza, Secretary                                                Present







October 22, 2007 – approved as amended on a motion from Mr. Morrison, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and carried by all.


November 12, 2007 – approved as amended on a motion from Mr. Glaser, seconded by Mr. Morrison, and carried by all.


December 12, 2007 – approved as amended on a motion from Mr. Morrison, seconded by Mr. Dattoli, and carried by all.


January 14, 2007 – approved as amended on a motion from Mr. Langshultz, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and carried by all.






The Attorney for the Applicant, Louis D’Arminio was present.  They are seeking an extension of time for this application.  Subdivision map, exhibit A-1, filed May 24, 2007, was referenced.  All bonds have been posted.  The applicant was last here in July for an extension at which time they received 120 days.  Board Attorney Paul Kaufman asked what protections from the zoning ordinance the applicant is looking for.  It was stated by Mr. Kaufman that lot size, width and depth are done; slope and setback were a concern for the applicant.  Mr. D’Arminio stated that there is a pre-construction meeting tomorrow at Borough Hall and that permits for the road and the infrastructure will be applied for at that time.  Construction could start in March or April.  The houses will be built when sold.  Elliot Sachs of Boswell Engineering has no outstanding issues with this project.  Mr. Kaufman stated that there is nothing for the Board to do at this time.  He understands that Mr. D’Arminio is trying to protect his client from possible Mayor and Council zoning changes, but there are no changes proposed at this time.  Mayor LaPaglia and Councilman John Glaser concurred with this. Mr. D’Arminio referenced his last approval dated October 3rd of last year, exhibit A-2.  Mr. Glaser asked for clarification of Mr. Kaufman’s memo on this subject that was distributed to all Board members tonight.  Mr. Kaufman responded that this memo was written before he was made aware that the map had been filed.  Mr. Glemby asked Mr. D’Arminio if he is concerned with the possible DEP changes.  Mr. D’Arminio responded yes, he has been burned by the DEP before.  The Mayor again stated that there is no need for an extension at this time.  The Board is anxious to see this development built.  There are no zoning changes proposed.  Mr.  Langshultz asked if the house on the hill is still there.  He was told yes, but it is coming down.


The meeting was opened to the public on a motion from Mr. Glaser, seconded by Mr. Morrison, and carried by all.


With no response from the public, the meeting was closed to the public on a motion from Mr. Langshultz, seconded by Mr. Morrison, and carried by all.




At this time Elliot Sachs of Boswell Engineering gave an update of the Rink project. He met with the site manager last week.  Sanitary sewers are done.  They are closing up the site.  The trailers will be moved off site.  They may build one building and use it as their selling office.  This one building would be in Montvale. 


Mayor LaPaglia asked Mr. Kaufman for an update on Powder Hill and Russo.  There was no news to be reported.  The Russo Development is on the next agenda.  Chairman Fry stated that he heard that Powder Hill Developers will be purchasing the Sacchieri property on Rose Avenue by the end of the year.


The Mayor heard that the Hilton will be coming in for a 120 room expansion.


Mr. Morrison inquired about the COAH requirements.  The Mayor stated that we have a special committee for this that includes Donna Holmquist and Thomas Van Dam.  They will be working on the impact of the revised regulations that take effect March 1st.  Mayor LaPaglia updated the Board members on the current situation.


Mayor LaPaglia stated that work on the Master Plan will be starting soon.  Donna Holmquist will be invited to the next meeting of the Planning Board for this purpose.  Mr. Glaser stated that the Montvale Master Plan is available on their municipal web-site.


New Business:  None


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Mautz, seconded by Mr. Dattoli and carried by all members.


Respectfully submitted,




Kathleen S. Rizza, Secretary